Petri R. Testimony

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Before coming to RBI, I was afraid of telling people about Jesus. In my heart I wanted to do that, but just could not do it. When I heard about this ministry and RBI, that it focuses on souls and bringing the gospel to the people, I knew immediately that this is exactly what I need and what I feel in my heart God has called me to do. When the first soul winning took place, I was following other people how they do it, but was still in the bondage of fear to do it my self. The second time I decided to just knock on the door, open my mouth and read the script even though I felt totally incapable of doing it. I had to take the step, no matter what. And, to my surprise, that person behind the door did not reject me or the gospel, but received it and prayed the salvation prayer with me! Praise the Lord!

After that first one, I got SO excited and a huge joy came to my heart. I knew that now I’m in the center of what God has called me to do. That night, during a very short time I had won 6 people to the Lord and hardly could wait for the next time to come! I felt like it says in that song, to be “free to run” for the Lord. After that, every time has been exciting and different. Sometimes I’ve found myself being too confident on my own abilities, and got nobody saved. Sometimes I’ve felt totally incapable in the beginning, and after taking the first step and asking Holy Spirit to help me, have had the best harvest ever. So, it’s been a huge learning process and definitely the best thing that has happened to me during this time.

Now, during this time in RBI, I’ve lead about 200 people to the Lord and to me, it is a total miracle of God when I consider the way I was before. It is awesome to be a vessel for God and feel the power of the Holy Spirit that flows when preaching the gospel. I started soul winning in my home church back in Finland during our time there in December and got a couple of people mobilized. I’m looking forward to continue that there after RBI and get more members of church activated in soul winning and rejoicing in seeing the harvest coming in!

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