Matthew B. Testimony

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Wow I do not know where to start, I have learned a lot over the seven days of ministers conference , But the  one thing that really sticks out me was when , there was an apostle apostle from Miami  was laying hands  on people for healing.

He was calling out people by these sicknesses, when I prayed that he would call out someone with a skin disease. Now I know I don’t have to have hands laid on me to be healed by God. It was more of the moment like, “Hey if people are going to get healed up there I’m going to get healed”.

That night he did not call me, or my sickness.  I didn’t pay much attention to it. Until the next morning when that same apostle was preaching again on the glory towards the end of his message he said the lord told me there was one person in here with some kind of skin disease.  I raised my hand as fast as I could not even thinking about the night before, I got prayed for and knew I was healed so I gave thanks to the Lord I went to the restroom to see if I was healed I still saw the skin disease but I knew the Lord did not call me out to no heal me so now begins the battle of faith.

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