Lorne Y. Testimony

Wow!!! What a week this has been.  All I can say is thank God for giving us The Holy Spirit.  For without Him, I would not have survived this week. I have never experienced a week like this past week in my entire life.  I am amazed that even in the midst of incredible pressure to perform at a high level, the lack of sleep, and public beatings (I exaggerate), I was able to do my job, remain at peace, and have fun at the same time. The truth is, the old me would have melted under the pressure, would have been offended (many times) and would have been paralyzed by fear.

So I want to thank-you Holy Spirit for changing me, breaking bondages, and tearing down strongholds.  Thank-you for setting me free to become the man that you originally designed me to be. Only when I was put to the test and was able to sit back and reflect, can I now see how much I have changed.  It truly is amazing what God can do in a very short period of time. I thank God for placing me in this ministry.  I thank God for opening the doors of opportunity to serve and to minister and I thank God for the changes that He has made in me. Thank-you Lord for using me (us) to reach a lost and dying world. (thank-you for helping me write this blog)- Lorne Y.

Now, while I’m kissing Lisa, I see, out of the corner of my eye, Lee Beth smiles from her candy mess and begins to smile and begins to kind of nod her head and a twinkle in her eye, kind of like, “Pour it on, dad! (laughter from audience) That’s right, dad”. Why? Because that communicates love.


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