Jody A. Testimony

Before these RBI/RSW Revival meetings, it was as though I could see and hear everything around me as one in a coma; however, I was unable, restricted, barred in my ability to engage — even as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel.  Lassoed by religion and tradition, and gagged by knowledge, I knew I was dying…

I awoke from the coma I was in during the RBI/RSW Revival week’s first Tuesday morning meeting on August 22, after GOD ordered a delicate life-saving surgery where the knife of man could not even touch but only executed through the Holy Ghost and the Word of GOD, delivered through all of the Ministers during these meetings.

Throughout each subsequent RBI/RSW Revival meeting, I understood something new was taking place in and upon me – it was FRESH FIRE and NEW WINE!  Sitting in these Revival meetings, to the saturation point, my old wineskin burst forth because of all the new wine pouring in through 34 continuous services I attended during the Revival for students.

Each Minister had something unique and pertinent to my deepest need to not only undergo the heart surgery, but recover, attend specialized rehab, then get back in the race.  The Lord spoke to my heart asking me if I perceived He was doing a new thing in me, and as I responded to His love and to His drawing me close, I felt compelled to register for the River School of Worship.

Pursuing the deep sweet fellowship with the Lord through worship, like I once enjoyed, and actually stepping forward into fulfilling one of the deepest desires of my heart, just to focus on Him, is making me happy beyond my ability to imagine it.  I am being changed from glory to glory as I remain seated with Christ in Heavenly Places, living in that secret place of deep intimacy – total dependence upon Jesus Christ – who is, who was, who forever and always is my BREAKTHROUGH…..

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