Jillian S. Testimony

This past week has been life changing. It didn’t happen while being prayed for, during worship, or even during an intimate time with God. It happened…well to be honest I don’t really even know when the switch was flipped. I have recently been asking God to help me have an attitude that I WANT to soul win. I have always seen soul winning as something I had to do in order to pass a class and never really did it because I wanted to. Well something happened to where it’s like I cannot help but to soul win, everywhere I go I just need to tell people about Him.

I went to the mall the other day and I couldn’t help but to tell someone about Jesus. I ended up telling two people and they both said no thanks, but I have come to the realization that they weren’t rejecting me but they were rejecting Jesus. I saw it in a completely different way. It’s like my eyes were opened up to the fact that its not about me and it never has been I’m just the messenger and I’m delivering the message and I planted a seed that can now be watered. It’s so awesome. God is awesome.- Jillian S.

I come home from work. She was eating some type of candy food. I don’t know what it was. It was smeared all over her face, in the hair, out the ears, the nose, the eyes, and I walked in and we had about 150 lb. rottweiler at the time and Bear was licking up the remains on the floor.

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