Jared Testimony

The Word and power has been the very thing that has got me down here to this Bible school and has kept me here all throughout the time that I have been here. I realize that is my intimate relationship with the Word out side of the Bible school that matters above all else. When I put God’s Word into practice, I grow on a day to day basis becoming more and more like Jesus. I am so blessed the more I learn and understand from the Word of God. I realize that practicing sin or walking in the ?esh hinders me from living a lifestyle in the presence of God and hinders me from receiving revelation knowledge from God’s Word. I know that renewing my mind on a daily basis exchanging my ways and thoughts and words for Gods ways thoughts and words is a must for me as a Christian.

I know that walking in the ?esh is walking in a way of thinking that is in opposition to God’s Word and walking in the spirit is walking in a way of thinking that lines up with the Word of God. The more and more I surrender my life to Jesus and the Word I ?nd out that every day is a day to submit my life to God and let him do a great work in me and uproot all things that are not of him. I ?nd out that there are so many things that are not of God in me that need to be changed on a daily basis.

There will always be an area in which I am in need of renewing my mind. I have learned in the book of Mark chapter 4 that the sower sows the Word. All depending on the condition of your heart is what will take place with the Word that is sown. The Word that I understand and have revelation of is impossible for the enemy to come and steal. It is the Word that we do not take to heart and have rooted in our heart that the enemy comes and steals. Each and every time you read the word of God you should get a  revelation. Otherwise you should check your heart on what’s getting into it.

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