Gloria Testimony

Looking back on January, I can see how much I have grown. I did not know what to expect when I came here, all I knew was that I was willing to be obedient. I did not know what department I would serve in, and honestly I did not expect that I would intern under Pastors Todd and Katie. It has been such a privilege, and I did not expect it at all. I came back here under a lot of condemnation and depression, and I did not feel worthy of even being here. I was afraid of being exposed for everything that had been going on in my personal life, and I definitely didn’t want to face anyone. I felt so ashamed that I had left for 7 months, chasing after money and what I thought would be a secure, stable life. I thought I was pursuing what I wanted, since being a minister felt like too high a call for someone like me. All the condemnation I felt was overbearing me and I felt anxiety. And then to come back and find out that I would intern with Pastor Katie and with Outreach – it’s been such an honor that I felt so undeserving of. Then I found out I would be in the Outreach Department-again I didn’t feel worthy of it. How could I possibly go and tell people about Jesus when I was barely trying to really discover Him for myself? But thankfully, I pressed through it, and as I have previously stated in blogs past, depression was broken over me and I moved forward in the things of God. Now I am not that same person I was 4 months ago. And every day, He’s changing me to become more like Him.

— Gloria

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